Mubuyu Farm

Eighty kilometers South of Lusaka, en route to the Victoria Falls, it’s easy to overlook the small national monument beside the main road that winds through the green overlapping hills of the Munali Pass. David Livingstone first sighted the Kafue River here in 1855 on his great trans-Africa journey.

Munali Coffee is now produced on a family farm named « Mubuyu » on this fertile plateau at the foot of the historic mountain pass. The local community benefits from rigorous ethical farming practices under an internationally recognised set of criteria.

Willem Lublinkhof, the founding director of Mubuyu came to Zambia 50 years ago with the Dutch development service. He quickly fell in love with the country and its people. After having met his future wife Meta from Denmark they settled at the foot of the Munali pass where their passion for farming grew more and more. It was in 1971 when they first commenced farming with wheat, soya and other crops on Mubuyu.

Then, over a decade ago, the Lublinkhof family decided to start farming with coffee. The estate also comprises a flourmill operating 24 hours a day, several irrigation dams, housing for workers, a school, a clinic and even a football team.

Then in 2012 FleurHerbia was created with a love of nature and the idea to supply products from the farm to the Zambian and International markets

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